Nirvel NirvelPlex Shampoo, No.1, No.2 Kit 33.8 Fl oz / 16.9 Fl oz

NirvelPlex Shampoo 33.8 Fl oz & NirvelPlex No.1 16.9 Fl oz & NirvelPlex No.2 33.8 Fl oz

NirvelPlex Kit Programme


Product detail

NirvelPlex Shampoo: keeps on protecting and restoring the capillary fibre that could have been damaged.

NirvelPlex No.1: added to the technical services, reinforces the hair structural bonds, fortifies the capillary fibre and avoids hair break during the chemical process. It does not modify any result of bleaching, smoothing, perm or dye.

NirvelPlex No.2: Seals the cuticles and strengthen the structural bonds made in Step 1. Provides with shine, smooth touch and extraordinary hair quality.

Product specification

Contains: NirvelPlex No.1 500ml, NirvelPlex No. 2 1000 ml and NirvelPlex Shampoo 1000 ml

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