Nirvel Decoblanc Bleaching Booster Cream

Nirvel Deco blanc 

Bleaching Booster Cream / Crema Potenciadora Decoloracion

Size: 100 ml / 3.4 Fl oz


Product detail

Decoblanc is a bleaching enhancer cream that helps to obtain a whiter effect only in one application. 

The dye can cause allergic reaction that in some cases, can be serious. It is compulsory to make a cutaneous allergy test 48 hours before each use of this product. 

This product is not intended for use on persons under age of 16.

Product specification

Way of Use: Mix in a Non Metallic bowl the Decoblue bleaching powder + Peroxide in cream + Decoblanc according to the following proportions table: Stir the mixture till an evenly creamy texture is obtained. Apply it over dry hair and leave it act during 25-45 minutes. Periodically check the hair during the whole exposure time. Do not use it if the hair has been bleached before. Once the level of bleach has been reached, remove it with plenty of water and shampoo the hair.

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