Nirvel Deco Gel Bleaching Gel 17.63 Fl oz

Nirvel DecoGel Bleaching Gel 

Bleaching Gel / DecoloraciĆ³n Gelificante

Size: 17.63 Fl oz / 500 g


Product detail

Non-volatile jellified bleach that lightens up to 5 levels. Its formulation containing a concentration of mineral oils, gelling agents, and clay minerals creates a lipid film on the hair, helping it to retain its moisture and preventing it from becoming dry. Its creamy, non-volatile texture provides excellent adhesion and easy distribution on the hair, resulting in an even bleaching process. The lightening granules are covered with a bluish dye to nuance the hair. Suitable for all bleaching techniques: Enclosed highlights, open-air, balayage, and global lightening.

Product specification

Way of Use: Mix one part of bleach with two parts of peroxide (1:2) into a non-metallic container. Leave the product to act for 20 to 40 minutes, always under the supervision of the professional.

Recommendations: if Nirvelplex is used, add the appropriate dose after mixing. For better hair quality, the complete program should be used when working with NirvelPlex.

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